
Tō Mātou Rerenga - Our Journey

Growing Up in New Zealand - The University of Auckland

Brand identity, packaging and website for a line of educational play products and baby toys for stage-based learning.

– Concept
– User Experience
– Design
– Art Direction
– Video Production
– Front-end Development
– Back-end Development

No items found.

Project Description - a heading using h4 with up to 20 words.

Followed by a few paragraphs explaining the project. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris suscipit quis urna id commodo.

Curabitur eu ante sapien. Praesent nisi odio, pretium viverra diam vitae.

Carousel text - an explanation of what's in the carousel or an expansion of the introduction.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam iaculis massa ac nibh mollis, ac sodales nibh congue. Pellentesque id sagittis lectus, non pulvinar.

No items found.

Coustomised contents

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris suscipit quis urna id commodo. Curabitur eu ante sapien. Praesent nisi odio, pretium viverra diam vitae.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam iaculis massa ac nibh mollis, ac sodales nibh congue. Pellentesque id sagittis lectus, non pulvinar.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce nec neque ut dolor lacinia dictum id ut dolor. Aenean a finibus ligula. Curabitur et consectetur ante, in hendrerit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam dapibus ante ut diam volutpat, sit amet tincidunt sapien condimentum. Integer convallis leo eget sagittis ornare. Aliquam vitae.

Outcome heading

Outcome paragraph 1. the first paragraph explaining the outcome of the project, max 40 words.

Outcome paragraph 2. the second paragraph explaining the outcome of the project, max 40 words.

Outcome heading

Outcome paragraph 1. the first paragraph explaining the outcome of the project, max 40 words.

Outcome paragraph 2. the second paragraph explaining the outcome of the project, max 40 words.

A call to action relevant to the project


Your World Your Way

The University of Auckland