Growing Up in New Zealand

We’re proud to share a recent collaboration with Growing Up in New Zealand.
Continuing our work with the University of Auckland, Method is working with a team from the longitudinal study Growing Up in New Zealand to create a ground-breaking new app which aims to trial innovative ways of engaging with rangatahi and help researchers understand more about the health and wellbeing of young people in Aotearoa.
Called Tō Mātou Rerenga – Our Journey, the app forms part of a larger project called ‘Our Voices’, funded by MBIE, which is exploring exciting new ways of collecting and analysing wellbeing information. The interactive app lets rangatahi share their experiences of growing up with researchers in a range of multi-modal ways. Available in both English and te reo Māori, the trial runs for three months and will take participants on a waka journey of discovery: navigating between islands, meeting characters, sharing knowledge and unlocking fun mini games.
Growing Up in New Zealand is the country’s largest contemporary longitudinal study of child development, tracking the lives of more than 6,000 Kiwi children to discover what life is like growing up in 21stCentury New Zealand. The finding of the study influence research, policy and services to improve the wellbeing of all New Zealand child and their whānau.
Visit Growing Up in New Zealand to find out more.